Memories that are kept forever for all of my friends

Letter to my dearest Friend~ Pearl.

Dear Pearl,

How are you? I hope everything is fine with you there. As you know, i'm studying form six now and damn, it is sickening. Form six is really a whole new level if compare with form five which is just the cover of our new books! Muet, PA , Physics , Chemistry , Pure Maths the five subjects that i'm taking but the books are as many as the books we had during form five or maybe not but what's sure is that it is definitely thicker than our old books not to mention even more words...@_@. *headache* but is great to be back in school again and this time in a new environment, new teachers, new faces , new friends , new rules and not to mention new culture! Just new New new la, but my uniform is old.. ;P. My current class is L6 Sc 3, a combined class, meaning to say there are bio students and physic students mixed up together but i prefer to call it rojak! ROJAK! i say.

Luckily, Jon , TKM, vincient , Jacooby(which i like to call him with that), Richard Sia and miss stephanie Lam is my classmate.. for now i guess.. i heard that they are going to reshuffle the classes after the NS candidates comes back. By the way did i mention that there are currently three science class? One for Bio, one for Phy and the another one.... ROJAK. For art class i'm not sure about it. O ya, good news for you, i heard that tkm( the petronas scholarship holder) vincient and clayton (both jpa scholarship holders... so lucky) are heading your way to Australia but they haven't really confirm about it yet.. hehe.

Well, that's all i can write for now, actually i have tonnes of things to share it with you and i think you too have whole lot of new experience to tell us. Take care! God Bless you!

Here are some pics for you..

Pearly, not a girl, not yet a woman...


always look high above into the sky..

smiles a lot in school, with friends,

good at barbecuing and baking

knows how to play the guitar

plays mahjong

is strong willed, tough - full of girl Power

that's all from me for now..
and o ya, i almost forgot something... did i tell you before that you changed a loT??

Your hair looks better now.. hahaha

Your Friend,
Daniel Yong Yew Rong