Memories that are kept forever for all of my friends

~ All you can eat - Kenan House"

Okay,what do you get when Kenan invites you to his house and his parents aren't at home..............

You will get THIss!~~~!!!

Opsss wrong picture, what i mean is you get to see that, his so called greatest creation which was left there undisturbed... for a very very long time... and also you get to!!!.........


Steam!! BOt !! babe

not only that, you also get to on line.. one CPU and two laptops at once

drink this....



and EAT!!!!!!!

o ya by the way did i mention we also eat this

for dessert..and guess what are those colourful thingy..

M&M plus NUTs hehe
Then after all of us are full which was around 12++ am we went home. Habis Cerita.

Here are some random pics i took on my way home...

i know the photos looked blur but what to do ... i took all this pics in a moving car with a lousy cam so can't really blame me for that hehe.

Lastly, i also want to thank MR Kenan for inviting us to his humble domain haha. Thanks dude, let's have it at Kang's house the next time.. hiak hiak


hey you im very hungry now dont boast about how you get to eat till stomach burst at kenan's house okay.

and make me jealous that you guys can go out till past midnight. cheh.