It was a typical Thursday morning...i woke up early at around seven but still felt tired so went back to sleep again. Then two hours later woken by a phone call it was my buddy , Alan who called from SCHOOl just right after his school test. He asked me out to go visit MISS Anthea as she is leaving kuching soon(take care anthea) to KL to further her studies.. and so i quickly rushed into the bathroom, got cleaned up and changed my clothes and waited for Alan's arrival and yea.. he knows how to drive, he came directly from school in his school uniform which i yearn to wear it again soon since i left school hehe. Anyways,the important part is he came, real fast...
eeyup, that's alan and his SAVY(one thing i like about SAVY is the design of its hand brake.. sorry there are no pics of it so you have to check it out yourself)
When he was at my gate, one thought came into my mind ' are you wearing like this ??!!"
and he said yesh... (-_-''' and so i suggested him to wear my clothes as our body sizes are almost similar. We packed everything up and off we go..
(peace YO!)
WE drove around the padang merdeka then went up to the hotel's parking lot and waited for Anthea at the lobby cause she was bathing when we phoned her.After minutes of waiting, we were escorted up to her hotel room .. here are some random photos of the outside view of that room
o ya. by the way, Alan and i had not eaten lunch and fortunately Alan bought some Roasted DUCk and according to him, it was the best roasted duck in KCH. and well i have to say it taste nice but i didn't actually agree that it was the best cause i had better ones before.. hehe
(roasted duck and isotea a perfect combination of FOOd, yum yum)
After lunch we were bored and didn't want to swim that early since it was only around 11++
so we played " two BIg" (er da). At first it was the three of us, Alan, Anthea and i playing. All of us won twice but all that changed when Anthea's elder sister joined in. Both Alan and Anthea's sister(i forgot the name.. Sorry) KePT on WIniNG leaving me and anthea.. !!wth!!.. shock maybe we just don't have the luck. Alan was the noisy winner who kept on talking talking and talking all the way when we were playing, while Anthea's sister was the quiet one... but both of them are equally lucky cause they always WIN!
(one of Alan's deck of winning )
After that winning and losing , we finally decide to go to the gym first to work out some muscles before going to the swimming. It was nice in the gym , Alan and i tried most the equipment some were forbidden by the coach..:( but still it was tiring, my muscle really felt tensed. Too bad Anthea was just sitting there watching us, more like accompany us only..( THANKS A LOT ANTHEA!!!!!) Then, hiak hiak the time has come for us to rest in the swimming pool..
but too bad it was only Alan and i who went into the pool as Anthea had already had enough since she lived here! ( Arhh thunder stormNOW!! WALiu long time don't have a storm like this already)A`hem and while we were swimming anthea helped to look after our things and also took pics of US, FooLing around hhaha. here are some of the pics. we also had some competition
(swimming competition)
(hold breath competition)
(that's anthea on the left, hehe)
After that, we went to the Sauna and to dry ourselves up hehe
After that we went back to the room, change our clothes then chatting then blablaba then off we go home..
Finally, i want to thank Anthea for the hospitality that she gave us we really gratefully and thankful. We hope that you are also doing well now in KL cpoing with the new environment... i wish you all the best and good luck, and also remember to call us with you are around in KCH so we can go out and have fun again..