Memories that are kept forever for all of my friends

Brain or Heart?

They say love is blind but how true is that?

i have been in love before and been sick of it too but

in the end i still do feel that i need it.

The love here i mean is not family love or God's love but the affection towards the opposite sex - your girl friend or boy friend.

It is sometimes very nice to have a partner to share your thoughts, experience , pain, happiness and so on. Unlike brotherhoods, there are just things which you can't describe that is missing when you are with your gf or bf.

Maybe because "brothers" are just close friends, while your life partner is someone who you will share the rest of your life with.

but sometimes it is really hectic to have one but still, life without problems is not worth living.

i really do sometimes feel lonely and sad because there are times that you just can't tell your best buddies about something but rather someone who is your partner. The emptiness is really hard to describe. But still, to have a life partner just to fill up the emptiness and boredom for me is sort of weird, it sounded selfish.

so my question now is, when you are looking for your life partner, do you think of the possibility of being happy together through out the years or just go for it because it feels right?

How do you know the person you liked is the person your really loved? Is it through feelings? or the action or things you do to make he/her happy?

Until now, i couldn't get a clear answer on it. i'm really confused about everything concerning love. Is it because of the physical attraction that you like someone? or is it faith that is doing the job? or is it the your personality and character that lets you decide the person you like?

only time, can tell me the answer now......